Monday, November 9, 2009


Since I began my career as a teacher I have realized that I may have developed multiple personality disorder (MPD). Professional MPD if you may, and I am contemplating whether or not the school and Ministry of Education will compensate for psychiatric help.
I step into my Form class and immediately had to assume the role of "mother hen".
"Are you sick?"
"Did you have breakfast?"
"Why didn't you hand in your Food and Nutrition assignment?"
"Explain to me why you were rude to Ms. Singh..."
The bell goes. New hat. Warden.
"Get to class!"
"Please see me after class!"
"Explain to me, and take your time, why you did not complete my assignment."
The bell goes. New hat. Counselor
"Don't cry. Everything will be okay. Please, don't cry."
"I understand your problem, but you have to learn to rise above it."
"Please.Don't cry."
The bell goes. New hat. Investigator/Police woman.
"Where did you get that?"
"Why were you in the town at that hour in school uniform?"
The bell goes. New hat. Confidant and friend.
"I understand."
"Think about the choices you make. They are important."
"No I will not add you on facebook."
"Gaza or wha?"

All this, and it wasn't even time for lunch. My training I do not think adequately equips me fully take on all these roles - hence the dilemma and inevitable personality switches. I beleive that 9 out of 10 teachers would corroborate this, as I think it may be spreading at an alarming rate throughout staff rooms- giving even H1N1 competition. The fact is as a teacher, it comes with the territory. It is not written in any document you may sign, but deep in the eyes of the students that need you. More and more you realize that the role of the teacher is vast and wide, deep and broad and if you are not prepared for it - it can get overwhelming. True teachers have to be so many things to so many students. We cannot afford, when we put on these hats to fail them. Slowly, as I wear the hats more regularly, they fit a bit better, though unfamiliar. Can we afford to sit and say, "I wasn't trained for that. I was trained to teach." I am in no way implying that any teacher attempts to deal with any situation above and beyond their capability, but when faced with the questioning eyes do you ignore them?

So what about this vastly deteriorating mental condition? Well...put on your hat and go to class.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Counting Down...

I am slowly counting down the days till the term ends. I know when people hear teachers saying "Gosh I cyar wait for school to close" they be thinking that we are slackers or don't like children or our jobs - and well for some percentage of Trinidadian teachers this may be the case - but not for me and many others.

Teaching is a very mentally and emotionally taxing job. Plan lessons, plan assessments, plan field trips, plan school functions, solve problems [home problems, clothes problems, form class problems etc.], plan lives. I wonder sometimes how can I even attempt to fit in a husband and children into that mix. Maybe I tire easily - but all I know is that I damn tired! lol

If not for love of the art and science of teaching, I would certainly become very agitated and irritated by the students around now. No project done would be good enough, no answer right enough, nothing good enough.

I am learning slowly to accept the 'imperfections' I come with. I cannot be on every committee, I cannot solve every student's problem and I certainly cannot protect them from life. I have become quite attached to the students I teach. The contrasts to when I started - I felt for some reason that I should not be close to them - i should not love them. Well I do - so THERE. As a child, my younger sister died in a car accident. Lots of our teachers attended the funeral, one of them was inconsolable, as she cried at my sister's graveside. I think back now to this and wonder how I would feel if one of my students died, or was seriously injured - just the thought....

I am counting down the time till my mind could be distracted with other things, and I can relieve my mind of the various issues that we as teachers are faced with. I see our students as gift wrapped packages sent to us sparkling and new in Form 1 - but as you remove the wrapping, u see that some of the boxes contain broken toys...unpainted faces...missing limbs....sigh. You stand with it and wonder...I was never taught mechanics.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Real people. Real lives. Real Issues.

As teachers I think we sometimes forget that are students are more than just uniforms seated behind desks and in chairs. We sometimes forget that each child, in every row, is unique, different and real. During the past week I took some of my students to ASA Wright Nature Center, and it was such a great experience to get to know my students even better. To know the things they like, and what excites them. I mean I cannot attempt to educate if I do not know the consumer. Media companies spend hundreds and thousands of dollars just to find out what entices the consumer, what will make them spend and buy what they have to offer. The question is for teachers, how are we selling education?

Teachers provide a service, and unlike Digicel or Bmobile, we can't afford the "dropped calls", or leaving any student behind whilst giving instruction. Students are real people. Who come from real issues, issues that even I would not dare to deal with. Through no fault of their own they are sometimes thrust into situations that they have no control over. No say. I look back at my own pathway through education and remember exactly the teachers who cared and who did not. I remember distinctly who took the time to listen and the ones who only taught a subject.

I figure that if I can remember and know these things to this very day, my students must feel and "measure" in the same ways - if not with a stricter rubric than I would have used. I for one have learned that as a teacher I am a learner. I never think too highly of myself as to not be able to learn from any one of my students. My students are not unthinking dolls made of plastic. They have problems, issues and stories just like any other human being. They have something to offer the world and I fear that too many of them feel unnoticed and unimportant.

If we as adults hate to be put into categories and generalized, why would we do the same to our children? Real people. Real lives. Real issues. Think about it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

From the heart

Doing my Postgraduate Diploma in Education is beginning to take its toll.
Drained and tired, getting the flu, not H1N1, but sick nonetheless.
Totally tired, I did not go to school on Monday.
I bugged me that I was missing class, but I figured it would not matter to the kids either way.
Was I ever wrong.
I opened my inbox and tears in my eyes as I saw the messages from my students
"Miss, you sick?"
"Miss, we missed you, you comin tomorrow?"
"Miss you MIA, gully or gaza?"

Lol...that last one I was like WTA dese chirren talkin bout now? But you understand.
I got up this morning and dragged myself to school. Though still under the weather, I thought I would go today, and take the rest of the week off. But...

My motivation to teach changed my mind. In fact, I think I even got better. Teaching my students makes me happy. I smile and laugh with them, even when I want to frown. I cannot help it. I do love them. I love what I do. It makes me happy. It gives me purpose and makes me willling to go above and beyond just to be there for them.

I have always said in the past that I loved my job, but today I realized that I get as much from it as I give - if not more.

Our hands - work. Toil. Try.
Our hearts. - trust. believe. love.
Our minds. - innovate. create. explore

With them we can do great things.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Show Me Your Colours

The age in which my students live present them with various opportunities to - as Fayann said, "Display! Show meh yuh colours!". And well...what plumage they all have.

First off - I do not have a problem with students expressing themselves. Fact is I realize that with the technology available to them, they will test, try, test again and again, to see which avenue garners the most attention. A generation of attention seekers I tend to think as most of them, do not receive attention from their parents they do every and ANY thing to get attention. That said, MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, Skype, Tinyurl...all these things belong in their realm. It is not that I am much older than some of them - but I can safely say that I have 5-10 years of SOLID parental guidance that nags me consistently anytime I think of posting semi nude pictures of myself on the world wide web.

The danger that lurks around the pokes of FB, my students are extremely naive about. In fact, they don't have a fleckin clue. After posting pics - breast barely covered, she exclaims - "Miss, is JESS ah picture..." No idea I tell you.

What then is the solution? What do we do? What can we do?
Not much. In fact the powers of schools and administration are limited, especially when after making a "big deal" about it in school, the parental units put the computers in their rooms and they cuss on their FB status later in the night (around 2:00am or so) "Who the F*$k does Miss think she is?...OMG!"

It is too funny. Well...not really. You see the relationship has to be complementary...kinda like a whore and a pimp...well not really. But you get what I'm saying. If parents do in fact believe that the soft porn their daughters are putting on the Internet is not desirable - then when the school alerts them to this - they should support the remediation. Don't sit in the fleckin office acting like you agree and then when you get home "punish" the child by unlimited access to the

Not being a parent myself, I understand that it could be very trying to attempt to guide the lives of teenagers - but I would rather sit in a cold jail cell than have MY CHILD, that I push out, "display" she self as if she doesn't have a brain. Uh uh...not happening. There are sick people out there - that looking for a child just like molest. To fool. To rape. To kill. What worst? Her being upset with you? or having to call Belgroves?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Guess who's back?!

I've been doing this since 2001 minus the three years I was at UWI and each year is so different!!! This year seems to be the most challenging so far but I have to hold on tight cause this thing will only get tougher...Our first set of Universal Secondary Education students are in the fourth form now and it is HELL!!!! They can't even write a proper sentence and for a minute there I wanted to ask 'what the English teacher was doing?' but I shut my mouth yes cause you can bring a horse to the water but you can't force it to drink...or something so! I have form fives AGAIN....and AGAIN I am expected to turn water into wine and have them pass the CXC I banned the Narinesingh...can somebody please write a textbook that is suited for the students that I teach? and we are doing themes...[I acually am learning something at College] they so enjoyed the theme of smoking and now we going on to women in society...they seem to understand the summary and comprehension and story writing and arguments better...but their writing is still horrible but let us see if an interest in their work will transfer to better writing...[is this how this works?] I mean they getting to watch 'movies' so it's not as if I am boring I? And, like Max I am doing my Dip in Teaching English...yes this is what the Jackasses at Cavehill call it... a lot more work this year but it all ends June 05th!!! So I dunno if I pass any of my assignments so far but what I fretting for? This is UWI, things won't change in a hurry...Let the games begin!!!!

Well, that's it folks...Week five of the term has began...let's teach our butts off and make the most of this term

xoxo schezzi m

Saturday, August 29, 2009

One Year

Well people - back to school and yesterday was my 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of becoming a teacher. This year has been nothing short of an adventure. I sat in staff meetings, departmental meetings, co curricular meetings yesterday, realizing how easily I was enveloped by the system. Got the results from my classes, they did 'ok' - they could have done even better I thought - but hey - I can't sit the exam for them. Despite what anyone says, student performance will remain a benchmark for me. I must at sometime measure my teaching skill by how well they were able to learn.

So for this year:
1. I've adopted 38 kids in the form of my Form Class
2. I've grown to love every one of them - even though I didn't want to get to close initially
3. I organized for our staff to be First Aid Trained
4. Managed the Crisis Management Portfolio
5. Traveled to Barbados to mark UNIT 1 CAPE and moderate SBA's
6. Started my Postgraduate Diploma in Education
7. Learned how to listen more - to what kids are TRULY saying
8. I've learned to appreciate what the student has to offer
9. I've learned that there are some teachers who make you WANT to stay a teacher
10. I've learned that there are some - not worth their weight in salt! Only robbing the children and government
11. I love my school!
12. I've been challenged to do better and be better - think beyond what my teachers would've taught
13. I fully appreciate the value I add to society.

I could go on and on an on. At this same time last year I was a bit scared, a bit unsure, a bit intimidated -and in some aspects, I still am. Now though, the direction is clear and I cannot wait for the school year to officially begin.

BTW this DipEd Programme is one of the most MIND BLOWING experiences I've EVER had to go through (academically of course). I am learning soooooo much - things I didn't know - never thought of. WoW.

One year - I made it. Din kill nobody chile. Nobody chile kill me. I survived. More than. I thrived.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 13 - Teaching Beyond Borders

Well folks...HOME TIME!
Barbados was beautiful...the experience was priceless and I can't wait for next year! Needless to say I can't give you the details because of all the confidentiality issues, but it was good to experience what goes on behind the scenes...what happens on the down low.
So i now have Jamaican friends and Guyanese friends to call on if ever I need some teaching advice.

I have been taught, and taught beyond borders - and had a magnificent time doing it. By the way - your girl is going back to school! That's right - I'm starting my PG Dip Ed. Yup. Another realm of this whole teaching scene. Details to follow. Of course this means that I have to GO BACK INTO UWI'S ADMINISTRATIONALLY CHALLENGED INSTITUTE...sigh...hope for better this rounds.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 8 - Teaching Beyond Borders

Oh gosh! Ah sorry! knw how it is
Barbados was made for tourism and well I got caught up.
Days 3-6 were basically the same - mark like yuh goin mad!
Finished like 2 red ink pens - learned much more about DNA vs RNA and vectors and recipients than I was EVER planning to...

We have an awesomely cool Chief Examiner so that in itself made the experience more enriching. I realized that some people naturally have a poor work ethic. They are nice people, with pleasant personalities..but when it comes down to working - GEEZ n ages! Lazy would be an understatement! But thank goodness this was in the minority.

Day 7 - Bridgetown! Souvenirs galore! Had a time. Again a coutry that was MADE for tourists and the tourism industry.

DAY 8 - Today! Had a great 'cross the island' tour that took me ALL OVER Bim**. Excellent is all I can say.

Stay tuned- Day 9

Bim**- Local word for Barbados.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 2 - Teaching Beyond Borders

So one of the markers at my table is Jamaican. She says. "Girl you know some children actually refuse to do question 2 in any paper?"
"I like wha? How come"
"What "2" commonly known as?"
Me: "The number 2, or to doo doo"
"Right and that comes from where?"
Another marker: "Your bottom"
"Which is related to what?"
Jamaican: "Bullers."

You know if was dey fleckin school work dey eh make alllllll the correlation! Imagine that eh?
Stay tuned. Day 3.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Teaching Beyond Borders

Well people...last week of school and I am MILES away from the school yard. I am here in Barbados, marking scripts for CAPE 2009 examinations. How did I end up here? Who knows...all I know is that I here and I getting paid! lol So far it is an exahausting process and well...some STAMINA is required! Scratch that. LOTS of stamina is required!!!

Day 1 of 14:
Amazing to interact with Jamaican, Guyanese, Antiguan, Bagan teachers. Knowing that hey - some kids write shit no matter WHAT country dey from. lol...dey give problems de same way...dey rude de same way and well...dey are the same. I realized that as a marker, you don't see colour, creed, nationality or anythin like that - just ink on paper - points to mark and piles to diminish.

Stay tuned...Day 2.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Winding Down...

Well folks...test time is here again - which means that lovely vacation time is here again! YEA!

I can't beleive that I made it through an entire year! One whole year! Three terms, endless projects, report books like wow, homework correcting, uniform checking...three terms. I am very proud of me.

Tune in for the year in review. lol. Our best moments EVA! lol

Monday, June 1, 2009

industrial action

It has been a mighty interesting term for us here in Saint see teachers were promised a 7.5% increase in April 2009 [ yes I know that you are shocked that we could be offered so much...let me tell you, in all, it was a 14.5% increase teachers were to receive....anyway, I know that you are in shock that we could be offered so much in the midst of the global recession, but this is Saint Lucia for you] and when they did not get it, well union meetings upon union meetings were called as well as strike I do not really mind....I get to sleep and do my assignments but I think about the students 'cause this is what they pay us - minus 7.5% or not - to teach the people's children and while the CXC children can no longer be affected by the strike, what about the form fours whom expect passes from? What about the MST exams slated for June 10th and the Common Entrance Exams carded for June 17th? These children are not getting taught....are we going to purposely going to destroy an entire generation???

The Prime Minister never said that he would not pay, just that he could not pay now and while had had promised the increase, show me one Saint Lucian Prime Minister who has not lied to his people...and I can think of one who was arrogant about it!!!!

Paint me whatever colour you want to Saint Lucia...but you know this, King lied when he said that he could pay and would pay by April but then again he has not said that he will not pay, just that he can't pay now...this time he is telling the truth and don't we want honest politicians? Of course I want my 7.5% but not at the expense of so many other more important things!!!!!!

What will happen tomorrow readers? Will there be no more teaching days for term? Will King give the money he said will come later, not now...will the union fight on principle or just on what they think is right? Only tomorrow knows and I'll be here for as long as tomorrow lasts

[Just colour me pink!!!]


schezzi m

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Practice what you Teach?

Last night I went to sleep anxious, nervous, palms sweating and unable to sleep....
My first set of students had my subject at CSEC and CAPE level today. I got up and prayed, "Lord help them to be calm and retain..even de lil slow ones them."

When I got to school I was so nervous! After a while I thought, but what de hell I already have a 1 and a B in Biology! lol But as I have mentioned in many of my blogs before - what is the point of being a teacher if you can't teach? A carpenter and can't build one table? Not even a bench? Despite what - student performance is our performance indicator. How well you taught or did not teach is reflected in how your students perform at a national level.  And just that fact right there?? Had me scared out of my wits, which is exactly why I went to view the CAPE paper first. See my CSEC class is/was an inherited class**, so in my Upper 6's I had a little more confidence. 

Went in..nervous..shaking...thinking about it now..I'm such a punk! lol 
Told the head invigilator that I was the subject teacher, she handed me a copy of the paper and I sat an perused. I smiled. I smiled. Heart racing I signed the form and practically ran out the room, and headed toward where the CSEC students were taking their exam. Did the same thing, sat and perused. I smirked. Winced. Shook my head. Left the room. Difference was? Inherited class.** 

I sat in the administration building waiting for the exam to be done with - to hear the reactions. And I felt justified today. One of my Upper 6 students said, "Miss, I eh go lie - yuh teach we like a boss. There was nothing on that paper that we could not do and it was because you taught us how to answer questions. Nah Miss, yuh is ah boss." 
I kid you not. I was moved beyond expression. That right there? Was my wooden stool. My first couch set. lol 

So ladies and gentlemen that was today - and I am a boss. 

Inherited Class** - This is a class that a teacher receives in their last year for 2 terms just before CXC. The class would usually not have had a teacher for the entire of their Form 4 year and you are expected to teach them everything they missed inclusive of what they need to know in their Form 5 year. Challenge? Yeah. In addition, inherited children, are not usually in the mood to learn, hence their lackadaisical disposition does not aid much in fostering an engaging learning environment. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

When ah dead bury meh clothes

So as I must have mentioned chirren HOT LIKE PEPPA! lol...yeah I remember mentioning that. This term though? I got to witness some 'fulfilment of promises'. 
What's that? lol...
Last  term.. around carnival time so - parents were called in citing 'inappropriate behavior' on the part of their wards. Some parents shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly while others made that promise that no child really wants to hear..."De next time I have to come in school I will cut yuh ass right here!"
Well mamayo! Those children CLEARLY forgot that the individuals they live with, carrying the title of parent, can periodically act like lunatics when it comes to misbehavior in school aka 'makin meh shame'. 

Hear nah parent after parent (and I've been observing this for some  weeks now) - I seriously thought those children would not be coming back to school lol lol and people think you don't know..but YOU KNOW the children WHO KNOW their mom/dad or both will go postal on them..sad to say you also know the ones whose parent ain't bout shit and ain't gonna do shit. Is true. 

First case:
"Miss, WHAT has she been doing?"
*child's eyes close, instant tears*
"Don't worry Miss...that WILL NOT happen again. Right Diesel?"
*child paralyzed, cyar talk*

Second case:
To child:
" KNOW I mad."
Teacher to parent:
"Mam, please not at school"
Parent to teacher:
"What??? This is mine! I make it! Call God or call de police!"

And these are just a few. Why in God's name theses little girls and boys keep touching up each other like dogs in heat??? Not only that but getting ketch CONSISTENTLY???? Ugh! At least put a lil thought into it nah? Geez

All the melay made me wonder where does the discipline end and the child abuse begin? Where do parents draw the line? But as a teacher? I can't help but feel the plight of the single parent, now get a lil end to bring in some money - but have to be taking days she don't have to come an school to deal wid she own chile who crotch seem to be on fire.

I know all the child activists goin to come out in droves - oh the child have psychological problems blah blah, licks is not the answer But nah man some of them? Eh eh...they OVER BAD lol And they're that way because they KNOW that their parents fall for the psychological BS they try to feed into every situation. 

I think though that in some cases, the kids do need help and are in fact crying out for some attention but where are parents taught that? Where do you learn to differentiate between a child that needs a slap for being rude and one who needs some one on one couch time?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sex Ed - The Evolution

Now people...I know you remember the previous blogs on sex ed...and really I never thought I would hear anything to top what i heard in those Form 5 classes BUT this term - Form 2's are being introduced to reproduction and WOWWWWWWWWW I can't help but laugh. I started off with a simple definition of reproduction or rather a purpose : "Reproduction is the process that ensures continuity or the survival of a species."

So I went on to say that since sexual reproduction is our means of facilitating reproduction - then the purpose of sex is for reproduction right? They say..."yeahhhhhh..."

I say "right. So then, according to our definition, humans should only have sex if the aim is have a baby. right?"

They say "ummmmmm......"


Wait it gets better.


So I say - "so if we think of sex as a light switch whereby everytime you have sex you flick the switch and when u see light that would be the baby - you shouldn't really do it unless you planning to have a baby right?"

Here it comes:

1. "So..ummm..Miss...but ent you does do it just for so?"

2. "But Miss...what if the bulb blow?"

3. "Or if it eh have no current Miss?"

4. "Miss so you saying just because we have the equipment doh mean we should be using it?"

5. "SO Miss then if everybody know that then the only people having sex should be ole people?"

6. "Miss I doh feel yuh should only have sex to get chile - yuh should have it to feel good too..ent?"

After answering those questions and refocusing the discussion I forged on to the structure of the Male Reproductive System. We get to the description of the urethra and penis and it says it scientific terms that men cannot "multitask" hehehe... so I this means what people? That men can't do what an what at the same time?

Hand goes up in the air.

"Missssss me!!!!!!"

"Yes Kelly."

"Miss dey cyar pee and break at the same time."

" 'Pee' and 'break'? I don't know those terms. What do you mean?"

"Miss...they can't...Urinate and...hmmmm...sperminate at the same time."


"Kelly...the word is ejaculate hunny. Write it down."


Hear was a wonderful experience - I cannot even BEGIN to blog about all the interesting ideas my kids had. Different from the form 5 discussion though was the experience. I knew from just what they said that, though they hot - dey eh really doing nothin yet. YET. The innocence is still clear.

Ok one for the road. After discussing the male reproductive system.

"So Miss... when we get to see pictures?"

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gears up!

Well..the vacation has ended - and to be honest I can't wait to go back out to school. Contrary to my students' beliefs- we teachers DO NOT live in jars - and do indeed have lives. Lives that I must admit can be a bit frustrating at times - so I am happy to go back to my safe world of mayhem that is the school system. 

I'm a bit nervous about this term - my first batch of kids will have CXC and CAPE exams- I am so anxious and excited for them. Despite what anyone says teachers are measured on the performance of students. Plain fact. If de chirren getting 1's - de teacher could teach. If dey gettin 4's she cyar teach shit. Make sense. I mean you  cyar claim to be a carpenter - yet not for all de doubles in Curepe you can't build a bench....somethin's gotta give. 

Well that's it for now.

Note to self: Where are all the hot looking young male teachers? No seriously...WHERE? If you know hit me up - I  APPLYIN FOR A TRANSFER! LOL 

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well we're at the end of another term and WHEW! I survived! As I get more and more into teaching I am realizing more and more just how deep this hole goes...

I watched as my exam students went through, what I call "burn out" where they refused to learn anything more. They're like "Miss....PLEASE no more!!!!!"

I watched as clueless parents STILL insisted that their child is not wrong. They're like "Who Lewis??? He would NEVER!"

I watched as some individuals who claim to and get paid to be teachers took advantage of the "system". Work to rule? Maybe. They're like "Steups...whatever yes."

The general concern I had for my students has deepened into genuine care and love even. Not for all eh..some of dem bitches just evil! But in  some cases, its really heartbreaking to see them searching for someone - anyone to look up to. And usually, whether we want to be or not - it ends up being us. Great.

All in all the term was TIRING. I cannot say that I was not counting down the days to Easter vacation. Between SBAs, Mock exams, end of term wasn't easy at times. So the kids are home - the vacation is here and... beach here I come?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


so we at clendon mason memorial secondary school [cmmss - a school in dennery (saint lucia)] had our annual sports meet...i can't exactly remember when but it just happened cause i am blogging about it...and well ms max spoke about the children making out...i did not see to much of that in my neck of the woods but maisay! not to rum the people had there!!!

sports seem to bring out the worse in while my house was busy putting the licks on the other athletes, the other children who could have taken a more vested interest in sports even though they can't run but at least they could jeer were busy drinking campari and bounty!

so you would expect that the following day, there would be some the kids stayed home while the teachers at cmmss had professional development day where we were taught how to test children for reading...and then we got to test the form ones...this went on for two days....

the kids come back on monday thoroughly rested but with no party for the winning house...denver, the last dinosaur aka the school principal promised cakes and drinks but this man, for a man of his girth, can be easily swayed and may even 'forget' that the children deserve a for the rum drinking incident which he may not even blink an eye against, the children behaved well at sports and we do want to promote healthy, well rounded children right?

speaking of which, did you see the fat people's 60 metre dash?

what will happen tomorrow dear readers: will teachers actually run a race for fun at the end of the events? will we have high jump and discus events next year? will the students actually get a chance during PE to train for sports so that all the injuries are averted? only tomorrow knows and i will be blogging as long as there are tomorrows...

you know you love me!


schezzi m

Sunday, March 1, 2009


My school had Sports Day this week gone, and despite my purposeful lack of participation in the whole "house" and "marching" scene, I really enjoyed the day. In retrospect, I see now that the reason I did, was because of the time I got to spend with students that I have never interacted with - because I don't teach them.
While preparing hot dogs and basically babying them for the day, I grew to love some of these kids even more. And well some of them...let's just say...I tryin to not knock out de people chirren. We talked and laughed and it was relaxing to be able to "lime" with the students and not have to be monitoring them 24/7.
But alas, the joy was short lived as the SLACKERS tried to find various nooks and crannies within the stadium to make out. lol. Thinking about it now, it is a little funny to me. I try to think back to my first "in school, sports day" kiss...we sneaked to the back of the school and I received one of the worst kisses of my life! lol I cannot remember having such a terrible one after that. The spit, the teeth, the hot dogs....bleh! Anyways, I eventually ended up on patrol again, prowling the dressing rooms, catching students - faces red - genitals engorged- making out.
Eventually I was like...ugh..forget that...they eh brushin. lol lol Don't tell the other "good" teachers I said that! lol Imagine I even caught the SAME pair of students - "Sunny and Son" - TWICE! And I said to Sunny - "Little girl, you KNOW your father will kill yuh backside. Yuh think a kiss and feel up from Sun worth the coffin?"
Trinidad's MOE had a big hullabaloo bout student's coming to school on Ash Wednesday - how they gonna come if their parents tired from feting and jumpin in de street? Who goin an pack lunch kit?? What a joke. I was MOST present, spent the day organising for next week, when I know my students will be in school.
M.O.E - Ministry of Education

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Funny Valentine

Last Friday, on the 13th, I got the surprise of my life. A teacher came in the staff room with 3 Valentine's Day cards - one for me. I was thinking - awwwww from my Form 1 students...then I opened it:

To: Miss *****
From: Anonymous 

"You are the 'em' in my emphysema
You are the 'bron' in my bronchitis
You are the gills in my fish and the 'res' in my respiration
Without you I cannot breathe and most of all
You are the 'Bi' in my Biology
Everyone should have a special Valentine
I'll be yours if you'll be mine."

WOW! I was shocked, taken aback, thrown out of my seat...all kinda thing. I definitely know it is a Form 4 student because in class we're doing smoking and respiration - but who? I cannot guess. Definitely a first and my very funny valentine. 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

On Patrol

Well people...Carnival season is here and the chillun' are in HEAT! 

It is AMAZING...they are practically jumping on each other...

Imagine this...over a period of 2 days, during lunch time:

1. Caught THREE couples making out - so far down each others throats behind the school that they din even see the teacher approaching. 

2. Caught a girl sucking the daylights out of a dude's "member" one was funny. She says (after wiping her mouth) - "buh miss, we was jess talkin..."

3. A child found nothing else to do but piss in a bottle for $3.00 - in full view of the ENTIRE 

As hilarious as it seems, these situations are very stressful are hard to deal with. It is torture when the parents come in and INSIST that MY daughter WOULD NEVER do this or that as if the teacher placed them in these precarious positions. Sigh...really you have no idea.

My thoughts? Give the children a little 5 cents jam let dem flex out on each other till dey faint - or hose dem down for Christ sake!!! 

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Round II

Well the vacation is over - just finished my first week back out to was it? Can you say TORTURE?? lol It was real difficult getting back into "school mode". Over the Christmas vacation I got to be an irresponsible, doh care, young I have to go back to responsible, checking homework, planning labs, buffin annoyin chirren teacher. sigh...thank God for vacations. With barely 9 weeks of teaching before Easter vacation, it will be a struggle to get the students to focus- given Carnival, Sports etc. 

This was also the week of preparing report books, which we gave out yesterday. That was a new experience and wow - for my Form class the girls definitely 'out performing' the boys. And I talkin bout MAJOR licks dey getting eh...out of a class of 38 - the first boy came in 21st. Talk bout competition! So we had to give them the speech bout tryin harder, associating with people that will make them do well..blah blah....for me - it just makes sense to hang out wid at least ONE bright kid. Geez. Cyar be liming wid all the dim bulbs...

Anyways, update on IMac. Remember? Peppa sauce chick? Girl dropped 3 places this term. Yup. From coming in 1st place since form 1 to now placing 4th and a 15% drop in percentage. I think then, it would be safe to say that she can't mix man and book. Damn...I was kinda hoping she could. But my girl was depressed. She couldn't fathom a 4th place. She glanced over all the teacher's comments with disdain and soft sighs. Felt lil sorry for her but that feeling passed. If yuh cyar take man and focus on school, then drop one or the other. DUH. 

What else was new...ohhhh! I got a Teaching Assistant! That was a gift from Jah himself! The other teachers are jealous but ah well! I glad. My classes will do even better now. I've realized that teachers are strange people...maybe even stranger than engineers. Some pretend to care. And they do it very well. I mean if you didn't see them in the act with a student they didn't like you would never know. That pisses me off. I always maintain that I cannot be friends with people that I think are assholes. Yet some teachers expect that even though you know they don't want to be teachers, are doing a shit ass job, discriminate to some extent, don't give an ass whether the children under their care pass, fail and don't come at all, they STILL expect you to talk and hang out with them (socially that is). Not I papi. In this job dedication and responsibility is key. They not just failing a class, they messing up ALREADY messed up lives. These children don't live in ideal situations. They don't have a fraction of what we did. Yet some of them still chose to fuck up de children life even more. Go figure. We demand excellence yet we are appalled when it is demanded of us. 

I maintain that I want to teach. THIS is my passion. THIS is my dream job. It is isn't yours stop robbing the government and LEAVE