The age in which my students live present them with various opportunities to - as Fayann said, "Display! Show meh yuh colours!". And well...what plumage they all have.
First off - I do not have a problem with students expressing themselves. Fact is I realize that with the technology available to them, they will test, try, test again and again, to see which avenue garners the most attention. A generation of attention seekers I tend to think as most of them, do not receive attention from their parents they do every and ANY thing to get attention. That said, MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, Skype, Tinyurl...all these things belong in their realm. It is not that I am much older than some of them - but I can safely say that I have 5-10 years of SOLID parental guidance that nags me consistently anytime I think of posting semi nude pictures of myself on the world wide web.
The danger that lurks around the pokes of FB, my students are extremely naive about. In fact, they don't have a fleckin clue. After posting pics - breast barely covered, she exclaims - "Miss, is JESS ah picture..." No idea I tell you.
What then is the solution? What do we do? What can we do?
Not much. In fact the powers of schools and administration are limited, especially when after making a "big deal" about it in school, the parental units put the computers in their rooms and they cuss on their FB status later in the night (around 2:00am or so) "Who the F*$k does Miss think she is?...OMG!"
It is too funny. Well...not really. You see the relationship has to be complementary...kinda like a whore and a pimp...well not really. But you get what I'm saying. If parents do in fact believe that the soft porn their daughters are putting on the Internet is not desirable - then when the school alerts them to this - they should support the remediation. Don't sit in the fleckin office acting like you agree and then when you get home "punish" the child by unlimited access to the Internet....eh?
Not being a parent myself, I understand that it could be very trying to attempt to guide the lives of teenagers - but I would rather sit in a cold jail cell than have MY CHILD, that I push out, "display" she self as if she doesn't have a brain. Uh uh...not happening. There are sick people out there - that looking for a child just like yours...to molest. To fool. To rape. To kill. What worst? Her being upset with you? or having to call Belgroves?
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