Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was not like Miss Max... I have been doing this thing for ... well I am going on to my fifth year of teaching in September [and I am 25 by the way] so I went in with jeans and work shirt and these ridiculously flat leather slippers....This years is going to be different...I have all the form fives for English AGAIN like last year...maybe, just maybe, the principal has faith in me...but no Literature...well I have my form five group but Mr. James took away the form four Literature and let me try my hand at a form three langauage group....I hated this decision at first...but then I look at it as a way to flex my muscles and by the time that this year is over, I can proudly say 'Yes, I teach English, and I am quite capable at doing it at all forms of the Secondary School.'

No timetable or staff meeting as yet. Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School is not your average school...there are a lot of things wrong with it...but there are good teachers there who try hard and this year I will be doing a lot more than trying...I will also be upgrading!!!

I registered for the Diploma in Teaching at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College which will be done with UWI [Cavehill]. We go to class once every other Thursday for the next two years...I can't wait to see how my teaching improves and what better techniques and strategies I will learn to better teach these children that God has entrusted in my care....

I'll be back on Monday to let you know how the first day went....

Dressed up and no where to go began on Thursday 28th August, 2008. My career as a teacher that is. And well - your girl was all dressed, heels, skirt, accessorised...and well - no one else was.  I gathered that since no students were at the school yet - dress down took full effect! lol 

At my previous job, I felt so out of sorts, like I didn't belong. But the feeling i had at school was unbelieveable. An innate sense of belonging, like I am doing the right thing and I am going to do it very well! Self praise? Maybe. The staff at the school is RIDICULOUSLY young! I mean the majority under 30 I am sure. Not too sure how that will impact things but we'll see.  Lots of females too...hmmm you know what that could mean? hmmm...BACCHANAL! lol 

I got my timetable and my desk and I am still smiling. My friend, another teacher, LiLi works there too. I received 2 exam classes - so I plan on giving it all my best this first term and I pray that God continues to guide me. 

Lots of administrative stuff to do - forms to sign blah blah...books to organise...lots. I teach Biology by the way. By day two I was fully aware of the dress code and complied! lol not that I minded at all! Got some curious looks from some of the other teachers, but all in all everyone put on their Sunday voice and was pretty nice...we'll see how that progresses. Not to be a pessimist - but I SURE they ain't all THAT nice all the time.

I am soooo happy though to be starting my dream. Wasn't always my dream, but that's another topic. Next up - meeting my classes and getting started.

Note to self: Teachers do not dress "professionally" on the first days of school.