Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hot Like Peppa!

For those of you with young girl children...hmmm BRACE  YOURSELF! Yeah yeah..I know you will teach them all the good values and blah blah blah and they will remain virgins forever and whatever else...HOWEVER

In our schools today - those girls coming out of primary school HOT. And as they enter Form 1 they start to boil and Form 5 INEVITABLE eruption etc. etc. You see in the past we used to fool ourselves into thinking that the girls that did 'those' things came from a particular background and had a certain kind of parents. But now? Eh eh. They coming from the dual parent, social study book nuclear family and dey taking man like if it don't have a tomorrow. LOL

Not only that DEY BRIGHT!!!  Smart, top of the class. Nobody can't get a higher mark than them. I mean it have the typical not so smart ones - but in my experiecne so far - them girls on TOP of their work and dey man. 

This phenomena led me to wonder - is it necessarily a bad thing? I know I KNOW close yuh mouth! lol Not that I sayin that they SHOULD carry on with this type of promiscuous behaviour - but it seems that this generation is WELL ADAPTED to mix boys and books without a problem. Take for example - one girl- FORM 1- let's call her- IMac. IMac toping every test and Imac wid - not a form 1 0r 2,3,4,5 but a FORM SIX fella. Dude in his 20's. 

I will further investigate this phenomena and see if Imac can continue to mix boys and books. Update forthcoming.

End of Term exams coming up and I cannot wait to:
a) Get paid
b) Get my first vacation
c) See how my kids do in exams
d) Experience my first Christmas party as Form teacher
e) Get paid

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well... it's been 10 WEEKS. I've been teaching, learning, educating and experiencing for 70 days. And although there have been some challenges - the same feeling I had at the beginning of the term is still there. In this short time I have been exposed to so much information from some of the kids - that at times it is overwhelming. After knowing I think - DAMN! I should not have asked. 

Today a child in one of my classes (female), told her friends she wants to commit suicide - how life so stressful, and she doesn't want to live anymore. FORM 3 EH PEOPLE! Initial reaction? "Wha de ass a 15 year old could have to stress she out so? Steups." Upon further investigation? Parents beating the girl to come first in test, she is being bullied and all sorta shit happening. Thing is, when these sort of situations happen - the child is looking to you to be their hero. And well some teachers? Could not care less.  And that was just today.  

Yesterday one of my form students, the cutest lil indian boy you could ever see - starts cryin uncontrollably in another teacher's class. The teacher comes to tell me - and I go to him. He's fine at first. I say- Josh** what's wrong? As I say that- TEARS streaming down his face as he says "nothin miss". I was taken aback. Honestly - I didn't have a clue what to do. Part of me just wanted to hug him and say "don't worry" - while the other part was like "Aye, doh touch de people chile!"

They look to us when they are being abused (and the incidence is higher than you could imagine), when they can't cope with home, when she is being forced to live with a man cause her mother sent her there, basically when their lives are spiraling out of control and they don't know what to do. Parents are not all that they are chalked up to be and sometimes you would not BELIEVE how they F*%K up their kids lives.

If you're a parent, I pray that you aren't one of those. Because you have NO IDEA the kinda damage you causing to not only your kids but other people own too.

Anyways, on a lighter note - REPRODUCTION 
(Male student)- "Miss, when a girl has an orgasm, something does.....*pause*....does...*pause* come down?"
(Female student) - "Miss, if I drink sperm, I could get pregnant?"
(Male student) - "Miss, so if I like, freeze my sperm in de deep freeze, I could use it after?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I gave my Form 3 class a project to do on Global Warming and the Greenhouse effect. Besides the OBVIOUS and blatant plagiarism - I got some well done and creative projects. But that is not what this is about. I got a REAL shock in one of my student's projects - A dedication. You know how they say self praise is no praise? It really isn't. It makes more sense when it comes unexpectedly from the heart of someone else.  I mean meh boy coulda been just tryin to score some extra marks eh... but I only saw it after I had marked the project. hehehehe

"I dedicate this project to my Integrated Science teacher Ms. *****, because she is the one who educates me about the things in science that I didn't even know about. If it wasn't for her, I would not have been researching about global warming and the greenhouse effect to feed my brain with this interesting information about the earth that we live in. I am very grateful to her for that and this is why I dedicate this project to her. Thank you Miss."