Saturday, January 10, 2009

Round II

Well the vacation is over - just finished my first week back out to was it? Can you say TORTURE?? lol It was real difficult getting back into "school mode". Over the Christmas vacation I got to be an irresponsible, doh care, young I have to go back to responsible, checking homework, planning labs, buffin annoyin chirren teacher. sigh...thank God for vacations. With barely 9 weeks of teaching before Easter vacation, it will be a struggle to get the students to focus- given Carnival, Sports etc. 

This was also the week of preparing report books, which we gave out yesterday. That was a new experience and wow - for my Form class the girls definitely 'out performing' the boys. And I talkin bout MAJOR licks dey getting eh...out of a class of 38 - the first boy came in 21st. Talk bout competition! So we had to give them the speech bout tryin harder, associating with people that will make them do well..blah blah....for me - it just makes sense to hang out wid at least ONE bright kid. Geez. Cyar be liming wid all the dim bulbs...

Anyways, update on IMac. Remember? Peppa sauce chick? Girl dropped 3 places this term. Yup. From coming in 1st place since form 1 to now placing 4th and a 15% drop in percentage. I think then, it would be safe to say that she can't mix man and book. Damn...I was kinda hoping she could. But my girl was depressed. She couldn't fathom a 4th place. She glanced over all the teacher's comments with disdain and soft sighs. Felt lil sorry for her but that feeling passed. If yuh cyar take man and focus on school, then drop one or the other. DUH. 

What else was new...ohhhh! I got a Teaching Assistant! That was a gift from Jah himself! The other teachers are jealous but ah well! I glad. My classes will do even better now. I've realized that teachers are strange people...maybe even stranger than engineers. Some pretend to care. And they do it very well. I mean if you didn't see them in the act with a student they didn't like you would never know. That pisses me off. I always maintain that I cannot be friends with people that I think are assholes. Yet some teachers expect that even though you know they don't want to be teachers, are doing a shit ass job, discriminate to some extent, don't give an ass whether the children under their care pass, fail and don't come at all, they STILL expect you to talk and hang out with them (socially that is). Not I papi. In this job dedication and responsibility is key. They not just failing a class, they messing up ALREADY messed up lives. These children don't live in ideal situations. They don't have a fraction of what we did. Yet some of them still chose to fuck up de children life even more. Go figure. We demand excellence yet we are appalled when it is demanded of us. 

I maintain that I want to teach. THIS is my passion. THIS is my dream job. It is isn't yours stop robbing the government and LEAVE