Tuesday, September 29, 2015

COUSERA, SERA...Whatever will be, will be

Soooooooooo...I'm back.

Hardly the "newbie" - not quite the veteran..."seasoned" perhaps?

A friend of mine suggested I check out this learning space called "Coursera" and check out what they have to offer. Well I have and I am already BLOWN AWAY and completely excited by what there is to offer! So for the next few months my blog will be focused on that.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

What a difference age makes - Teacher to Tutor

Switching from teaching teenagers to tutoring adults way older than even I am has certainly taught me some hard lessons!
1. They aren't fun. They don't have sincere smiles or give honest comments
2. They lie.  WAY more than you would think an adult would.
3. In the same way that teenagers don't take responsibility for their actions - adults don't as well.

I am not enjoying it. ...needless to say...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Awesome Ideas

As a teacher I forced to constantly and consistently reevaluate myself and come up with creative ways to interest my students in learning.  Ever so often I get some "awesome ideas" that make my teenagers scream in delight.

My years have taught me to never give up. Continue creating. My students only stand to benefit.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

And we're back!

Stay tuned! Lots to update on my teaching adventure

Monday, April 15, 2013


Five years
Countless students
My Form class is on the verge of exam
On the edge of the cliff
Just about to jump
Leap out into life
Wow....5 years have passed since I began this teaching adventure
And you learn so much along the way
So much trial and error as well
So many mistakes
That don't help - they hurt/
\I am so attached to so many of my "children"
I worry about them
I feel joy at their successes
I will miss them
The imperfection
The honesty
The love
I guess in some ways we are tied to each other for always
We will always have that teacher-student bond

Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Did 2012 Go? Academic Year 4 in Review

I am glancing back at the beginning of this blog. WOW.
So much has happened.
Things that I cannot even mention here.
But so much.

As the term has ended and 2012 is quietly making its way out - ushering in 2013 I find myself wanting. Teaching still provides joy - however now the various administrative frustrations has me yearning for change.

I am not even sure what the change is. But I plan on remaining focused until some movement occurs. I think about the sadness if/when I ever move on and leave my present school. My students will be very disappointed. Some will be angry. Some will beleive that I am in fact abandoning them. There will be guilt. There will be tears. But I must remember (paraphrasing a quote) that ALL changes, even the one most hoped for, has its melancholy. We must die to one life before we can transition into another. Indeed change is on the horizon.

So...here I am...planning purposefully. Praying. Waiting.

2013? Let's go!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I am Reflection.

I am at the doorsteps of 2011. End of Term 1 of the school year.


It has been a very long term.

An even longer semester of assignments, presentation and above all else - learning.

This term my personal experiences taught me alot about dealing with my students.

I have learnt more about group dynamics and group work than I ever care for.

Really. Too much. As I went through the process and sometimes emotional distress of group work and activity I understand even more clearly how my students feel when I expect them to work in groups for extended periods of time.

I have learnt how to care and love my students even more. Early in my teaching career I was very taken aback by the amount of attention students needed.

"Miss ah want"

"Miss ah need"

"Miss tell me"

"Miss give me"


I could not teach until I have addressed their myriad issues ranging from homework to issues at home to issues with other students. I thought to myself, exasperated "Who am I really supposed to be in this job??? Dey mudder??? Steups."

As the years I have come to know that yes- in loco parentis

I am the mother that they do not have, the father they do not see, the listening ears that they do not experience. I am that for them.

I have learnt to embrace this aspect of my profession.

I find myself getting them Valentine's day presents, Christmas tokens, Children's Day....just because tokens.

It is strange but a good feeling.