So as I must have mentioned before...de chirren HOT LIKE PEPPA! lol...yeah I remember mentioning that. This term though? I got to witness some 'fulfilment of promises'.
What's that? lol...
Last term.. around carnival time so - parents were called in citing 'inappropriate behavior' on the part of their wards. Some parents shrugged their shoulders nonchalantly while others made that promise that no child really wants to hear..."De next time I have to come in school I will cut yuh ass right here!"
Well mamayo! Those children CLEARLY forgot that the individuals they live with, carrying the title of parent, can periodically act like lunatics when it comes to misbehavior in school aka 'makin meh shame'.
Hear nah parent after parent (and I've been observing this for some weeks now) - I seriously thought those children would not be coming back to school lol lol and people think you don't know..but YOU KNOW the children WHO KNOW their mom/dad or both will go postal on them..sad to say you also know the ones whose parent ain't bout shit and ain't gonna do shit. Is true.
First case:
"Miss, WHAT has she been doing?"
*child's eyes close, instant tears*
"Don't worry Miss...that WILL NOT happen again. Right Diesel?"
*child paralyzed, cyar talk*
Second case:
To child:
"Girl...you KNOW I mad."
Teacher to parent:
"Mam, please not at school"
Parent to teacher:
"What??? This is mine! I make it! Call God or call de police!"
And these are just a few. Why in God's name theses little girls and boys keep touching up each other like dogs in heat??? Not only that but getting ketch CONSISTENTLY???? Ugh! At least put a lil thought into it nah? Geez.
All the melay made me wonder where does the discipline end and the child abuse begin? Where do parents draw the line? But as a teacher? I can't help but feel the plight of the single parent, now get a lil end to bring in some money - but have to be taking days she don't have to come an school to deal wid she own chile who crotch seem to be on fire.
I know all the child activists goin to come out in droves - oh the child have psychological problems blah blah, licks is not the answer But nah man some of them? Eh eh...they OVER BAD lol And they're that way because they KNOW that their parents fall for the psychological BS they try to feed into every situation.
I think though that in some cases, the kids do need help and are in fact crying out for some attention but where are parents taught that? Where do you learn to differentiate between a child that needs a slap for being rude and one who needs some one on one couch time?
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