Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hot Like Peppa!

For those of you with young girl children...hmmm BRACE  YOURSELF! Yeah yeah..I know you will teach them all the good values and blah blah blah and they will remain virgins forever and whatever else...HOWEVER

In our schools today - those girls coming out of primary school HOT. And as they enter Form 1 they start to boil and Form 5 INEVITABLE eruption etc. etc. You see in the past we used to fool ourselves into thinking that the girls that did 'those' things came from a particular background and had a certain kind of parents. But now? Eh eh. They coming from the dual parent, social study book nuclear family and dey taking man like if it don't have a tomorrow. LOL

Not only that DEY BRIGHT!!!  Smart, top of the class. Nobody can't get a higher mark than them. I mean it have the typical not so smart ones - but in my experiecne so far - them girls on TOP of their work and dey man. 

This phenomena led me to wonder - is it necessarily a bad thing? I know I KNOW close yuh mouth! lol Not that I sayin that they SHOULD carry on with this type of promiscuous behaviour - but it seems that this generation is WELL ADAPTED to mix boys and books without a problem. Take for example - one girl- FORM 1- let's call her- IMac. IMac toping every test and Imac wid - not a form 1 0r 2,3,4,5 but a FORM SIX fella. Dude in his 20's. 

I will further investigate this phenomena and see if Imac can continue to mix boys and books. Update forthcoming.

End of Term exams coming up and I cannot wait to:
a) Get paid
b) Get my first vacation
c) See how my kids do in exams
d) Experience my first Christmas party as Form teacher
e) Get paid

Friday, November 14, 2008


Well... it's been 10 WEEKS. I've been teaching, learning, educating and experiencing for 70 days. And although there have been some challenges - the same feeling I had at the beginning of the term is still there. In this short time I have been exposed to so much information from some of the kids - that at times it is overwhelming. After knowing I think - DAMN! I should not have asked. 

Today a child in one of my classes (female), told her friends she wants to commit suicide - how life so stressful, and she doesn't want to live anymore. FORM 3 EH PEOPLE! Initial reaction? "Wha de ass a 15 year old could have to stress she out so? Steups." Upon further investigation? Parents beating the girl to come first in test, she is being bullied and all sorta shit happening. Thing is, when these sort of situations happen - the child is looking to you to be their hero. And well some teachers? Could not care less.  And that was just today.  

Yesterday one of my form students, the cutest lil indian boy you could ever see - starts cryin uncontrollably in another teacher's class. The teacher comes to tell me - and I go to him. He's fine at first. I say- Josh** what's wrong? As I say that- TEARS streaming down his face as he says "nothin miss". I was taken aback. Honestly - I didn't have a clue what to do. Part of me just wanted to hug him and say "don't worry" - while the other part was like "Aye, doh touch de people chile!"

They look to us when they are being abused (and the incidence is higher than you could imagine), when they can't cope with home, when she is being forced to live with a man cause her mother sent her there, basically when their lives are spiraling out of control and they don't know what to do. Parents are not all that they are chalked up to be and sometimes you would not BELIEVE how they F*%K up their kids lives.

If you're a parent, I pray that you aren't one of those. Because you have NO IDEA the kinda damage you causing to not only your kids but other people own too.

Anyways, on a lighter note - REPRODUCTION 
(Male student)- "Miss, when a girl has an orgasm, something does.....*pause*....does...*pause* come down?"
(Female student) - "Miss, if I drink sperm, I could get pregnant?"
(Male student) - "Miss, so if I like, freeze my sperm in de deep freeze, I could use it after?"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I gave my Form 3 class a project to do on Global Warming and the Greenhouse effect. Besides the OBVIOUS and blatant plagiarism - I got some well done and creative projects. But that is not what this is about. I got a REAL shock in one of my student's projects - A dedication. You know how they say self praise is no praise? It really isn't. It makes more sense when it comes unexpectedly from the heart of someone else.  I mean meh boy coulda been just tryin to score some extra marks eh... but I only saw it after I had marked the project. hehehehe

"I dedicate this project to my Integrated Science teacher Ms. *****, because she is the one who educates me about the things in science that I didn't even know about. If it wasn't for her, I would not have been researching about global warming and the greenhouse effect to feed my brain with this interesting information about the earth that we live in. I am very grateful to her for that and this is why I dedicate this project to her. Thank you Miss." 

Friday, October 31, 2008

Sex. Fact, fiction and ALL the other lies we tell our kids

So as promised this is the update to reproduction.  In continuing with the female reproductive system, I did the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and female reproductive organs. And my my my...what lies some kids are told. The things don't even make sense. For example:
(Female student) :"Miss, is it true that when you crack your knuckles you will be barren?"
(Male student): "Miss is there a REAL safe period to have sex with a girl and she doesn't get preggo?"
(Female student): " Miss is having sex during your period wrong?"
I am glad that they asked. Separates the facts from the lies they are told. Some of the kids even looked genuinely worried. I mean when they had gotten over the fact that their teacher in their presence was using words like 'penis', vagina', 'penetration', 'intercourse' and 'ejaculation' - they had some REAL concerns. This led me to wonder how many parents even talk to their children about sex? And even if they don't do they even bother to dispel some of the rumors floating out there? That is such a real responsibility - I don't think they realize. 

On Monday we talk more about birth control and abortion. I have my own views on abortion - but I have to be careful not to impose them on the children. I have always hated that as a student. Where the teacher almost forced you to believe that the words coming out of her mouth was gospel and you couldn't think or feel anything else. So I will try my best. We're also starting reproduction in plants. LOl. I'm sure they are going to be bored out of their minds! lol lol Especially compared to the excitement of reproduction in humans.

For anyone reading out there - make sure your kids know the TRUTH about sex. Not de shit talk. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sex, reproduction and REAL questions...

So this week and next week I'm doing reproduction with one of my classes...and WOW you would be surprised at the questions!!! Little slackers lol lol  I'm happy though to see soooo much enthusiasm but that was expected. A topic such as the male and female reproductive systems 'inspires' them. To the good stuff:
Questions such as:
1. (Male student): "Miss is it ok to masturbate? If so, how much so?"
2. (Female student): " Miss, is it true that if you drink a hot beer you could prevent pregnancy?
3. (Male student): "Miss is it normal to have 3 testicles?"
4. (Male student): "Miss you feel condoms does really work?"
5. (Male student): "Miss, can mustard kill your sperm all now?" laughed, coulda cried. Friday I'm continuing with the female reproductive system and birth control. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mid Terms...Red Ink...Make up tests...

I mean..really I LOVE TEACHING. But you see all the 'administrative' aspects to it? I'm beginning to hate it. Slowly and surely.

I tire of all the shit and the constant barrage of questions from some teachers that kinda act - ummm how do you say - INSIPID? lol

I imagine them reading this now and gasping in horror "Ugh! How could she?"

So my kids didn't do too bad on their mid terms - for those that did ABSOLUTELY horribly I gave them a extra credit project. I know that is not the habit- but as for me - I remembering being in school and wishing the teacher would give me another opportunity to show that I was paying attention. So the extra credit was and essay, 800 words for just 2 MARKS. lol And some of them actually did it. Hey 2 Marks makes alot of difference!

I had a thought though that our students seem to think that we live in a bottle. Like we come out the bottle, come to school and when the bell goes at 2:30pm we go back into the bottle. Why do I say this? Because they seem so shocked to see us out of school. Like OMG! Do teachers actually live somewhere???


Anyways later people

Remember: Anything you do do it to the glory of Almighty God.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

This post is directly in connection to Max's own.
Hear that:
We had this same parent, teacher consultation thing and I took my fast self and showed the parent how much money she had spent on the child since Form One.
There was a look of growing terror on the mother's face but I kep adding and then when I did the first term and showed her that she had spent almost three thousand dollars and then the second and third terms...she was like 'TOUT LAJAN SA-LA?! N'a tiwe-ou lekol'
It was incredulous...she had never realsied that she wass spending so much money on a child who brought home, for his higheset average that year 11 percent.
The sad news is, that I have not seen this child at school. It has been three weeks and all he has are these little 'a's' by his name.
I think I may have contributed to his educational demise. His mother had promised to take him from school and have him work after I showed her how her money was being spent...
What if I sent a child to work on the banana field when he would have perhaps picked up in form three...
Ah dear reader, I don't know but I will be here blogging tomorrow for as long as tomorrows last!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Survival of the Fittest

I survived my first Form 5 Parents Day but I cannot say that I remained 'unscathed'.

I found out some things about the students I teach that is MORE that a little alarming. Parents in prison, mothers that aren't there, no money, no More than I would have liked to know? Maybe.

On some level I am glad that I know - because the knowledge helps me to understand their behaviours..but on the other hand...not so much. Saw a parent with tears in her eyes even - saddened at the complaints by each and every teacher she went to.

"Miss, I just fed up. I am tired. I do not know what else to do."

Tears I tell you. You know the point after that deep frustration? Past the anger, past the overwhelming rage. Yeah...that point. The deep disappointment and hopelessness. Some parents don't have it easy at all and while there are those who are the slackers - there is also that subset - who do their best - but to no avail.

Remember this when you enter your classrooms and begin to get attitude - it ain't coming from nowhere. Maybe that kid never saw her father or is being abused at home. Or maybe she just playin in she ass and NEEDS to a reality check!!! lol lol lol
I think of the school system as a sick version of Survivor sometimes. Some kids just doh make it and as a matter of fact we don't even know when they leave the island.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The replacement.

I only realized this week - that for my Form 5 class I am nothing but another teacher that may possibly leave them AGAIN just as their last FOUR Biology teachers did. My heart dropped to know that I am teaching students who don't really care a SHIT bout school much less Biology. I have realized that sometimes the education system "creates" this type of child and behaviour. An exam class without a teacher for many months and they (according to them) were treated as the class that really didn't matter. I ended the class by having them stand in a circle and saying what they taught about Biology, why were they even doing it. The response? Not too heart warming on my part. 

But I prayed. I prayed about it. I really did. I want to see them do well and be better. But beside that little "incident" - the week was again fascinating. My lower school classes always make me smile. They always ask the most fascinating questions and always make the quirkiest comments.  I just smile. 

"Miss, where you used to teach before?"

"Nowhere, I wasn't a teacher before."

"Really Miss? Why?"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Laughter Begins

If it is one thing you can never be short on humour as a teacher. 

I gave my Form 3 class this question.

"Do you think that man is the most influential biotic factor. Give a reason for your answer."

I got all variations of answers to the question. But the ULTIMATE was this:

"No!!! Man is not the most influential factor because there are some women that are stronger than men."

I had to restrain myself not scream out in laughter. I could not believe it. Especially after reading the question sayin "and people when I say "man" I am referring to humans eh." I read out some answers to the class - though they couldn't see who's I was reading at the time. When I read that one- they laughed - expectedly - but had some good commentary - surprisingly - to go along with the laughter. One student even explained that even though the person's opinion is valid, it doesn't accurately answer the question. but a good point none the less. lol lol lol lol 

Another week- the labs begin and I am still psyched. lol The days are tiring though. But very rewarding. 

Sunday, September 7, 2008

And it begins...

So I just finished my first OFFICIAL week as a teacher and I must say I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would have. Let me go day by day

MONDAY : No school! What a way to start off the term huh? lol lol You know we Trinis LOVE us a holiday!!! But it was Independence FYI

TUESDAY: First day. Excited. Looking good. lol..I  know..I vain. So what? lol The principal introduces me to the entire school at assembly - thankfully I am not the only newbie - there is another teacher (English). The children all stare at us, some of the Upper 6's whistlin lol. I didn't any scheduled classes till after lunch I had a Form 2 and a Form 3 Integrated Science. Bright eyes, big smiles all willing to learn. They were so excited to hear about everything. Made me want to teach even more. All in all a fantastic day. Except for one fact. Heels. When you teaching in a school that requires you to walk up and down stairs? Eh eh...heels is NOT the way to go. I embrace the flat slipper now. lol lol lol Ohhhh almost forgot I have a form class! A form 1 full of such babies lol lol some of them barely look old enough to be in secondary school. lol lol 

WEDNESDAY: Had my Form 4 Class for the first time! HUGE class! 31 students! This is my introductory speech: "Goodmorning everyone - my name is Miss So an So, I live at So and So. That is about all you need to know about me. I hope I impress you as much as you impress me. I don't know any of you all so I don't knw who is the 'bright child', or who who is the  'dounce child' or who is the 'miserable child'. So you all get to start off fresh. Open your books, our first topic is...." What do you think? lol They looked at me as if I was traumatizing them. lol "Misssss work on the first day of school? Wheyyyyy" lol I get back to the staff room - another teacher approaches me.. "So miss you taught before? Because my Form 6's were wondering nah,..they said they don't want a teacher to leave class early and all that" I looked at her.  eh? lol What does she think I plan to go and do in the classroom? Lime? Steups..according to "bella" Ah Wah! lol lol lol SO after I taught them 2 periods after she tells me on

THURSDAY: "miss, my class was very impressed with you". I say "really? go figure." And left it at that. The Thursday the school had this prayer service (School is run by a denominational board-like the convents) - so I didn't have class until after. The form 6 class takes lots of energy because they have alot of work to cover. Plus I don't want to make the class a monotony of note taking -so I have to put in extra time on my lesson plans making sure there is some type of interactivity.

FRIDAY: TGIF! Yeah! After a week, I'm glad for the weekend. But honestly I enjoyed my week of teaching and I look forward to the rest of the term. I can see it getting very exhausting. Lesson plans, homework..lab books....but I can't see the joy of it going away. In retrospect I think about how happy I felt teaching and realized that I haven't felt that kinda joy and satisfaction in a while. It leads me to rationalize that - when you have found your place in the world it is an amazing thing. The feeling is indescribable. Its like... WOW lol 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Teaching as fun?

All you teachers out there

Is this job not the most stressful thing: ungrateful students, a pair of heels that is making you grouchy, pupils who refuse to settle down and then all those book to correct and then when you come home, you go online to find resourses for them for the lesson the following day.

It can be rewarding too...but I am just repeating the things that I have been told.

Come on, tell me what you think about this profession that I have found myself in!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Time for a Sugar Daddy!

I know what you thinkin..but SERIOUSLY the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, Ministry of Education Division EXPECTS new teachers to survive without salary for three (3) MONTHS? Shocked and bothered to know that I will not be getting paid till sometime in November or December - keep in mind people we are in SEPTEMBER!!!!! Ugh..

Hence the title - I neeeed a sugar daddy lol lol lol I wonder if there is a form to fill out? Haahaha

Went to the grocery to pick up some neccesities (snacks, cereal etc...) and paid$187.00 Imagine eh easy. If only the sugar daddy would provide out of the "goodness" of his heart and not the "heat" of his loins lollol I would be great.

I have to get stationary, shoes, clothes, shoes, handbags, gorceries, hair products and the list extends from here till ETERNITY! lol Well I'll have to learn by force how to pinch those pennies and limit all spending until my bank account recovers from its latest coma.

P.S. Any interested Sugar Daddies please apply within.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I was not like Miss Max... I have been doing this thing for ... well I am going on to my fifth year of teaching in September [and I am 25 by the way] so I went in with jeans and work shirt and these ridiculously flat leather slippers....This years is going to be different...I have all the form fives for English AGAIN like last year...maybe, just maybe, the principal has faith in me...but no Literature...well I have my form five group but Mr. James took away the form four Literature and let me try my hand at a form three langauage group....I hated this decision at first...but then I look at it as a way to flex my muscles and by the time that this year is over, I can proudly say 'Yes, I teach English, and I am quite capable at doing it at all forms of the Secondary School.'

No timetable or staff meeting as yet. Clendon Mason Memorial Secondary School is not your average school...there are a lot of things wrong with it...but there are good teachers there who try hard and this year I will be doing a lot more than trying...I will also be upgrading!!!

I registered for the Diploma in Teaching at the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College which will be done with UWI [Cavehill]. We go to class once every other Thursday for the next two years...I can't wait to see how my teaching improves and what better techniques and strategies I will learn to better teach these children that God has entrusted in my care....

I'll be back on Monday to let you know how the first day went....

Dressed up and no where to go began on Thursday 28th August, 2008. My career as a teacher that is. And well - your girl was all dressed, heels, skirt, accessorised...and well - no one else was.  I gathered that since no students were at the school yet - dress down took full effect! lol 

At my previous job, I felt so out of sorts, like I didn't belong. But the feeling i had at school was unbelieveable. An innate sense of belonging, like I am doing the right thing and I am going to do it very well! Self praise? Maybe. The staff at the school is RIDICULOUSLY young! I mean the majority under 30 I am sure. Not too sure how that will impact things but we'll see.  Lots of females too...hmmm you know what that could mean? hmmm...BACCHANAL! lol 

I got my timetable and my desk and I am still smiling. My friend, another teacher, LiLi works there too. I received 2 exam classes - so I plan on giving it all my best this first term and I pray that God continues to guide me. 

Lots of administrative stuff to do - forms to sign blah blah...books to organise...lots. I teach Biology by the way. By day two I was fully aware of the dress code and complied! lol not that I minded at all! Got some curious looks from some of the other teachers, but all in all everyone put on their Sunday voice and was pretty nice...we'll see how that progresses. Not to be a pessimist - but I SURE they ain't all THAT nice all the time.

I am soooo happy though to be starting my dream. Wasn't always my dream, but that's another topic. Next up - meeting my classes and getting started.

Note to self: Teachers do not dress "professionally" on the first days of school.