So this week and next week I'm doing reproduction with one of my classes...and WOW you would be surprised at the questions!!! Little slackers lol lol I'm happy though to see soooo much enthusiasm but that was expected. A topic such as the male and female reproductive systems 'inspires' them. To the good stuff:
Questions such as:
1. (Male student): "Miss is it ok to masturbate? If so, how much so?"
2. (Female student): " Miss, is it true that if you drink a hot beer you could prevent pregnancy?
3. (Male student): "Miss is it normal to have 3 testicles?"
4. (Male student): "Miss you feel condoms does really work?"
5. (Male student): "Miss, can mustard kill your sperm all now?"
Whew....lol...I laughed, coulda cried. Friday I'm continuing with the female reproductive system and birth control. Stay tuned.
Well is really true...kids do say the darnest things!!!!
Hmmm...three testicles..well this one had me cracking up!
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