I mean..really I LOVE TEACHING. But you see all the 'administrative' aspects to it? I'm beginning to hate it. Slowly and surely.
I tire of all the shit and the constant barrage of questions from some teachers that kinda act - ummm how do you say - INSIPID? lol
I imagine them reading this now and gasping in horror "Ugh! How could she?"
So my kids didn't do too bad on their mid terms - for those that did ABSOLUTELY horribly I gave them a extra credit project. I know that is not the habit- but as for me - I remembering being in school and wishing the teacher would give me another opportunity to show that I was paying attention. So the extra credit was and essay, 800 words for just 2 MARKS. lol And some of them actually did it. Hey 2 Marks makes alot of difference!
I had a thought though that our students seem to think that we live in a bottle. Like we come out the bottle, come to school and when the bell goes at 2:30pm we go back into the bottle. Why do I say this? Because they seem so shocked to see us out of school. Like OMG! Do teachers actually live somewhere???
Anyways later people
Remember: Anything you do do it to the glory of Almighty God.
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