I survived my first Form 5 Parents Day but I cannot say that I remained 'unscathed'.
I found out some things about the students I teach that is MORE that a little alarming. Parents in prison, mothers that aren't there, no money, no hope...wow. More than I would have liked to know? Maybe.
On some level I am glad that I know - because the knowledge helps me to understand their behaviours..but on the other hand...not so much. Saw a parent with tears in her eyes even - saddened at the complaints by each and every teacher she went to.
"Miss, I just fed up. I am tired. I do not know what else to do."
Tears I tell you. You know the point after that deep frustration? Past the anger, past the overwhelming rage. Yeah...that point. The deep disappointment and hopelessness. Some parents don't have it easy at all and while there are those who are the slackers - there is also that subset - who do their best - but to no avail.
Remember this when you enter your classrooms and begin to get attitude - it ain't coming from nowhere. Maybe that kid never saw her father or is being abused at home. Or maybe she just playin in she ass and NEEDS to a reality check!!! lol lol lol
I think of the school system as a sick version of Survivor sometimes. Some kids just doh make it and as a matter of fact we don't even know when they leave the island.
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