So as promised this is the update to reproduction. In continuing with the female reproductive system, I did the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and female reproductive organs. And my my my...what lies some kids are told. The things don't even make sense. For example:
(Female student) :"Miss, is it true that when you crack your knuckles you will be barren?"
(Male student): "Miss is there a REAL safe period to have sex with a girl and she doesn't get preggo?"
(Female student): " Miss is having sex during your period wrong?"
I am glad that they asked. Separates the facts from the lies they are told. Some of the kids even looked genuinely worried. I mean when they had gotten over the fact that their teacher in their presence was using words like 'penis', vagina', 'penetration', 'intercourse' and 'ejaculation' - they had some REAL concerns. This led me to wonder how many parents even talk to their children about sex? And even if they don't do they even bother to dispel some of the rumors floating out there? That is such a real responsibility - I don't think they realize.
On Monday we talk more about birth control and abortion. I have my own views on abortion - but I have to be careful not to impose them on the children. I have always hated that as a student. Where the teacher almost forced you to believe that the words coming out of her mouth was gospel and you couldn't think or feel anything else. So I will try my best. We're also starting reproduction in plants. LOl. I'm sure they are going to be bored out of their minds! lol lol Especially compared to the excitement of reproduction in humans.
For anyone reading out there - make sure your kids know the TRUTH about sex. Not de shit talk.