This post is dedicated to my students that make me smile. Particularly my Form 5 Biology Class. It is one thing to love your job and what you do, to give and give and give...but sometimes when the cup runs a little low it can be difficult to find a refill.
Last Monday I went to class, drained, tired, sick and generally not in a good mood. I always try not to let my emotional state affect what I give to my students, but that day I was really running on "E" the tank was empty, and I had no choice but to deliver to my class of 41 students. I said to the first student attempting to frustrate me:
"Look! This is NOT a democracy. It is a dictatorship. I am Fidel. This is Cuba. I make the rules."
To which the child replied: "Miss we will do like animal farm and have ah revolution"
"Well until the uprising...sit down."
As the class progressed I knew that my students knew I was not too well - even without me telling them that. They used the chance to work diligently at the activity - to throw in a joke here and there - that had me in stitches! I left that class, still sick, but feeling SOOOOOO much better. I told them, "You all know that you are real special right?"
On my rainy day, those students were my sunshine and I don't think they will really ever know how much it meant to me to receive from them.
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