Sunday, September 28, 2008
Survival of the Fittest

Saturday, September 20, 2008
The replacement.

I only realized this week - that for my Form 5 class I am nothing but another teacher that may possibly leave them AGAIN just as their last FOUR Biology teachers did. My heart dropped to know that I am teaching students who don't really care a SHIT bout school much less Biology. I have realized that sometimes the education system "creates" this type of child and behaviour. An exam class without a teacher for many months and they (according to them) were treated as the class that really didn't matter. I ended the class by having them stand in a circle and saying what they taught about Biology, why were they even doing it. The response? Not too heart warming on my part.
But I prayed. I prayed about it. I really did. I want to see them do well and be better. But beside that little "incident" - the week was again fascinating. My lower school classes always make me smile. They always ask the most fascinating questions and always make the quirkiest comments. I just smile.
"Miss, where you used to teach before?"
"Nowhere, I wasn't a teacher before."
"Really Miss? Why?"
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Laughter Begins

If it is one thing you can never be short on humour as a teacher.
I gave my Form 3 class this question.
"Do you think that man is the most influential biotic factor. Give a reason for your answer."
I got all variations of answers to the question. But the ULTIMATE was this:
"No!!! Man is not the most influential factor because there are some women that are stronger than men."
I had to restrain myself not scream out in laughter. I could not believe it. Especially after reading the question sayin "and people when I say "man" I am referring to humans eh." I read out some answers to the class - though they couldn't see who's I was reading at the time. When I read that one- they laughed - expectedly - but had some good commentary - surprisingly - to go along with the laughter. One student even explained that even though the person's opinion is valid, it doesn't accurately answer the question. but a good point none the less. lol lol lol lol
Another week- the labs begin and I am still psyched. lol The days are tiring though. But very rewarding.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
And it begins...

So I just finished my first OFFICIAL week as a teacher and I must say I enjoyed it even more than I thought I would have. Let me go day by day
MONDAY : No school! What a way to start off the term huh? lol lol You know we Trinis LOVE us a holiday!!! But it was Independence FYI
TUESDAY: First day. Excited. Looking good. lol..I know..I vain. So what? lol The principal introduces me to the entire school at assembly - thankfully I am not the only newbie - there is another teacher (English). The children all stare at us, some of the Upper 6's whistlin lol. I didn't any scheduled classes till after lunch I had a Form 2 and a Form 3 Integrated Science. Bright eyes, big smiles all willing to learn. They were so excited to hear about everything. Made me want to teach even more. All in all a fantastic day. Except for one fact. Heels. When you teaching in a school that requires you to walk up and down stairs? Eh eh...heels is NOT the way to go. I embrace the flat slipper now. lol lol lol Ohhhh almost forgot I have a form class! A form 1 full of such babies lol lol some of them barely look old enough to be in secondary school. lol lol
WEDNESDAY: Had my Form 4 Class for the first time! HUGE class! 31 students! This is my introductory speech: "Goodmorning everyone - my name is Miss So an So, I live at So and So. That is about all you need to know about me. I hope I impress you as much as you impress me. I don't know any of you all so I don't knw who is the 'bright child', or who who is the 'dounce child' or who is the 'miserable child'. So you all get to start off fresh. Open your books, our first topic is...." What do you think? lol They looked at me as if I was traumatizing them. lol "Misssss work on the first day of school? Wheyyyyy" lol I get back to the staff room - another teacher approaches me.. "So miss you taught before? Because my Form 6's were wondering nah,..they said they don't want a teacher to leave class early and all that" I looked at her. eh? lol What does she think I plan to go and do in the classroom? Lime? Steups..according to "bella" Ah Wah! lol lol lol SO after I taught them 2 periods after she tells me on
THURSDAY: "miss, my class was very impressed with you". I say "really? go figure." And left it at that. The audacity...so Thursday the school had this prayer service (School is run by a denominational board-like the convents) - so I didn't have class until after. The form 6 class takes lots of energy because they have alot of work to cover. Plus I don't want to make the class a monotony of note taking -so I have to put in extra time on my lesson plans making sure there is some type of interactivity.
FRIDAY: TGIF! Yeah! After a week, I'm glad for the weekend. But honestly I enjoyed my week of teaching and I look forward to the rest of the term. I can see it getting very exhausting. Lesson plans, homework..lab books....but I can't see the joy of it going away. In retrospect I think about how happy I felt teaching and realized that I haven't felt that kinda joy and satisfaction in a while. It leads me to rationalize that - when you have found your place in the world it is an amazing thing. The feeling is indescribable. Its like... WOW lol
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Teaching as fun?
Is this job not the most stressful thing: ungrateful students, a pair of heels that is making you grouchy, pupils who refuse to settle down and then all those book to correct and then when you come home, you go online to find resourses for them for the lesson the following day.
It can be rewarding too...but I am just repeating the things that I have been told.
Come on, tell me what you think about this profession that I have found myself in!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Time for a Sugar Daddy!