My mantra for this term is:
"Every child has the ability to learn and I intend to build upon this positive assumption"
Sometimes I feel like I am doing my best and giving all that I have - but that can't be true.
As long as there is more to learn I must have more to give.
Like children they take and take and demand more and more.
Under their scrutiny we teach them the unspoken lessons through our actions.
Long ago and even today many said/say that "teaching is a vocation"
I have really come to embrace this since your calling and love of job is the only thing that caan keep you when the children of the 21st century display some "demonic" qualities.
I constantly ask myself "How can I be better?" "What can I do to make their learning easier?"
Sometimes the questions can torture and sometimes offer answers.
So on this, my 3rd teaching anniversary - I am once again faced with new challenges
Challenges that sometimes, if not for God's grace I would run away.
But I think about what my students face everyday
Broken lives, broken homes, physical abuse, emotional and sexual abuse.
Parents that give money and things, but not time and attention
Communities that seek their own and no one else's
Who will do for them?
I must give my all.
Who will beleive in them?
I must give my all.
I may be looking into the eyes of a criminal or a world changer - what makes the difference?